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Text Captcha Solving

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Just see how much links You are loosing out every single day not using Text Captcha Solving Service!

SHOCKING isn't it?!!
You need Text Captcha Solving the same way You use regular Image Captcha Solving - for Getting More and More Links!

How Would You like getting Text Captchas solved?
You say Impossible? Well, Think again...

Text Captcha Breaking Image captchas are being solved since years and there are various software and services doing it, but what about text captchas?? There's nothing reliable on the market that provides text captcha breaking! WELL, UNTIL NOW!!! Our service specializes in providing robust and highly accurate text captcha solving! INCREDIBLE! GROUNDBREAKING! UNBELIEVABLE! We've developed sophisticated system consisting of state-of-the-art software backed up with artifical intelligence and tremendously big databases, all that to provide You top-notch Text Captcha Solving solution! WE GUARANTEE very high success rate at absolutely lightening fast speed!

Boost Your Linkbuilding Campaigns with up to 25% more links!

Text Captcha Solving Software Yep, You heard it right!!! Not being able to solve text captchas You've been loosing many backlinks as Your linkbuilding tools aren't able to submit to those sites. Why missing these?? THAT IS NO LONGER!!! Empowering Your tools with our service lets You get up to 25% more backlinks! ABSOLUTELY PROVEN!!! The sites using text based captchas vary from 10% to up to 25% from any submit list, and the good news is that You can take advantage of them! Squeeze the max out of your linkbuilding campaigns for just few bucks, it is as simple as that!

Untap NEW Linkbuilding sources and Skyrocket Your SEO!

Text Captcha Solving Program Using our service lets You create backlinks on brand new, fresh and unspammed websites, simply because they use text based captchas that were being skipped so far! How do You like that?? That directly impacts Your SEO and provides You better ranking as You are doing linkbuilding on higher quality and less spammed websites! That means You're on the crest of the forming wave, not underneath it!

Get Better and Better Results over the Time, GUARANTEED!

Text Captcha Decoder We are always improving our state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence of our system, training it for solving more and more text based captchas on the fly. We record every single question sent to our service and our team of reviewers go through the collection and manually fill correct answer in our ever growing database of questions. We are collective mind for text captchas! All this ensures You getting better and better results! Leave Text Captha Solving to Us! And enjoy GUARANTEED very high success rates!
Text Captcha Solving
100% Automated Text Captcha Solving
99% Success Rate on Mathematical Equations
97% Success Rate on the most widely used text captcha provider
70%-80% Success Rate on General Text Questions
Constant Improvements & Updates
Lightening Fast Solving Times - current average 0.03 sec.
Easy Remote API Access, Documentation & Code Samples
SEO Linkbuilding Tools Integration
Fantastic Statistics & Charts
Free Lifetime 24/7 Customer Service & Support

Text Captcha Solving Service
5000 Solves Daily
per month
10 000 Solves Daily
per month
20 000 Solves Daily
per month
35 000 Solves Daily
per month
50 000 Solves Daily
per month
75 000 Solves Daily
per month
100 000 Solves Daily
per month
200 000 Solves Daily
per month
??? Solves Daily
From small to extremely High volume Plans
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Instant Account Activation! Purchase with confidence even if it is 2:00 AM!
Our tests showed that the average linkbuilder fits perfectly in the Standard plan We offer. Ofcourse there are exceptions, however it is a great start for every regular linkbuilder.

We provide detailed statistics about Your account usage, so You can easily see what are your needs.

Don't forget You can easily Upgrade / Downgrade your account completely automated!
You can Upgrade or Downgrade Your account at any time You wish, directly from our website, paying only the prorated difference between both plans!
Text Captcha Solving Program

Text Captcha Decoding
We are working together with the developers of some of the most famous and widely used SEO Linkbuilding tools to provide You the easiest and comfortable way to use our service with Your favorite Linkbuilding tool! Our Text Captcha Solving service is currently Integrated with several Linkbuilding programs, so that You only need to insert Your API Credentials in the software settings and it will solve Captchas through us!
8 880 Active and Happy Users

102 375 020 Captchas last 24 Hours

3 477 872 100 Captchas last 30 Days

0.03 sec Current Average Solving Time

Crazy amounts, aren't they?!!
I can't tell You guys from how long I've been waiting for a text captcha solving solution!

When I saw Your service I signed up for it right away without any hesitations as there's nothing good available on the market!

Well, after few weeks of using it I can say this is absolutely great service!
Customer Feedback
Mark, USA
Absolutely well worth its price!!!

Since I started using TextCaptchaSolver I definitely see more and more backlinks being built in my tool!

For the great work this servide does I can honestly say it is underpriced!
Customer Feedback
Timur, Ukraine
Hey Inno, You guys can't sit tight, can You??

I am simply amazed how You manage to produce and run top-notch SEO services. First Indexification, next InstantLinkIndexer, then CaptchaTronix and now Text Captcha Solver... You definitely rock!

As for the service itself, I signed up right away and I am absolutely happy with it! Works like a charm!
Customer Feedback
Robert, United Kingdom
Since day 1 I started using Text Captcha Solver I am getting about 20% to 30% more backlinks on all my campaigns!

I am telling You guys this service is absolutely great deal if You wish to get the max out of your linkbuilding efforts!

And the price is absolutely nobrainer!

Customer Feedback
Martin, Canada
As an owner of one of the largest linkbuilding agencies in my country I can honestly say this is absolutely a 'must have' service for every linkbuilder out there!

Customer Feedback
Oleg, Russia
After 1 day of using TextCaptchaSolver I see my GSA SER sent about 15,000 questions

Even if just 30% (being way conservative here) of the answers provided are correct thats about 5000 links that I would've missed if I wasn't using TextCaptchaSolver!!!

And thats a day!!! This service is absolute well worth its money for the astonishing results it provides!

I just can't imagine how many links I've lost with the time skipping text captcha sites...

Customer Feedback
Rick, USA
I am absolutely shocked at the high success rates this service solves text based captchas!

You guys created really groundbreaking service the industry badly needed from very long time!

Customer Feedback
William, UK
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